Calling All Landlords: Important Information!

Everything you need to know about the Rented Dwelling Licensing Scheme...

As you may be aware, the new Rented Dwelling Licensing Scheme opened in May as part of the Government of Jersey's work to improve the standard of rental accommodation in the Island.

Under new legislation, each residential unit of accommodation that is rented out needs to be licensed, the cost of which is currently £60* and is valid for two years.

From 1st August 2024, it will be illegal for a landlord to let their property without a licence. Your property may need to be inspected by the Government team before granting you a licence. However, their is a transition period between the first 3 months, during which period the properties won't need to be inspected to be issued a licence.

Licences will be attached to the property itself. This means that if the property is sold, the licence will transfer to the new owner. The licence will be valid for two years.

Maillard & Co are able to organise the licence for you on your behalf as part of our property management service.

*You do not need a licence if you:

  • rent a lodging house
  • have tourist accommodation
  • nursing home or care home
  • have up to two lodgers and are the owner and reside in your own home

To receive a licence, your rental property must meet minimum standards:

  • Electrical Safety: An Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) must be undertaken by a competent engineer, these inspections are valid for 5 years
  • Gas Safety: An annual gas safety inspection of your rented dwelling must be carried out by a person that is registered on the UK's Gas Safe Register.
  • Detection of Smoke: You must install a smoke detection alarm fulfilling the standard EN14604 on each storey. You must also install a carbon monoxide detection alarm fulfilling the standard EN50291 in each habitable room where there is a facility for the combustion of oil, gas, wood, coal or any fossil fuel. All alarms must be in full working order.

You must provide a copy of your licence and written information (via email or hard copy) explaining how your tenants can raise a concern or complaint about their rented property within 28 days of the:

  • start of your licence
  • renewal of an existing tenancy agreement
  • signing of a new tenancy agreement

The information you provide to your tenants must include:

  • a contact address and daytime phone number for communicating their concern/complaint
  • an out-of-hours telephone number to be used in an emergency
  • how their concern or complaint will be dealt with
  • a statement on their rights to seek advice from, or raise a complaint with our department, together with our contact details

If you make any material changes to the written information you have provided you must ensure that your tenants are advised of these within 28 days of the changes taking place.

You must communicate these changes in the same way as you communicated the original written information you provided.

If you'd like Maillard & Co to assist with your licence application, or for further property management needs, please get in touch by clicking here!

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