Complaint Handling Procedure

Complaint Handling Procedure

Maillard 1928


Maillard and Co Ltd strives to provide the best possible service to all our customers. We aim to ensure that any individual or organisation with whom we come into contact is treated fairly and their concerns are dealt with in a prompt and courteous manner. We also aim to provide a consistent level of service across the whole range of our activities.

We recognise however that in an ever-changing property marketplace that they may be occasions where we fail to live up to your expectations. Should this be the case and if you have a complaint this document sets out the procedure which we follow in dealing with it.

The RICS Rules require us to have a complaint handling procedure (Rule 7). The address mechanism (see below) is free to the consumer.

Stage 1

Initially if you have a complaint about the service, you have received then you should discuss this with the relevant member of staff or if you prefer with their line manager. Most complaints can be dealt with at this stage and any appropriate action taken immediately. In the unlikely event that we are not able to resolve the matter then your complaint may be escalated my moving to stage 2.

Stage 2

If you are dissatisfied with the service provided by the firm and we have been unable to resolve it at stage 1 you should contact the Group Managing Director, Chris Marsh, in writing with details of your complaint. It is important that we receive your complaint in writing to ensure that we fully understand your concerns and have an accurate record of the same.

Maillard and Co
31-33 New Street
St Helier

Chris or a senior member of staff appointed by him will then consider your complaint. We will aim to respond to you within 10 working days with the results of our investigation and detail of any actions which have been or will be taken. Naturally we hope to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction and if you accept our findings then the matter will conclude.

Final Stage

If you are unable to accept our findings and we cannot agree on how to resolve the complaint, then you have the opportunity go to the final stage of our Complaint Handing Procedure by contacting the relevant redress scheme of which we are a member

Consumer Redress Scheme

The Ombudsman Services: Property is free to customers and will consider any consumer complaints related to property.

The Ombudsman Services:
Property P O Box 1021 Warrington WA4 9FE
T: 0330 440 1634 or 01925 530 270

Business Redress Scheme

RICS Dispute Resolution Service (DRS) provides services to resolve disputes regarding land, property, and construction. DRS deal with business-to-business disputes only

RICS Dispute Resolution Service
Surveyor Court,
Westwood Way Coventry
CV4 8JE 020 7334 3806

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